As a new, rapidly-evolving technology, digital assets demands legal counsel with both domain depth and experience. Carrington Coleman’s Digital assets practice group delivers, with a compliance-oriented approach that ensures that clients can leverage everything digital assets can do with confidence that they’re on legally solid ground. We’ve been working with this technology since its inception, so clients benefit from both our hands-on knowledge and our focus on managing compliance issues.

Our digital assets practice is as diverse as the technology’s applications. As just a few examples, we’ve represented investors in digital assets companies who needed tech-savvy due diligence, as well as in litigation. We’ve counseled cryptocurrency funds selling digital assets to investors, served as outside general counsel for a bitcoin ATM company, and advised clients on DeFi implementation, including application of digital assets to real estate. And we’ve represented clients in lawsuits, Federal investigations and regulatory actions with a digital assets component.

Compliance is Critical

As with any marketable technology, sometimes regulation and innovation don’t quite sync up. Whether, and how, the rules apply may seem unclear. Our role is to provide clarity and reliability, and help clients “color within the lines.” We’re distinguished by our compliance-first perspective. As a rule, we work to keep our clients from being the test case that changes a regulation. Instead, we help enterprises that are navigating a fast-changing legal landscape to avoid missteps and structure themselves for the long term.

Caught in the Crossfire

Client Issue: We represented a key employee of a company prosecuted by the Federal government for fraud in connection with a cryptocurrency offering. The government seized computers, notebooks, and the client’s notebook, which included all his private cryptocurrency keys.

Approach: Thanks to our daily working relationship with Federal regulators, we were able to negotiate effectively for the return of the client’s cryptocurrency assets – all of them.

Outcome: All client assets were returned, while the company itself was under involuntary receivership.

Areas of Focus

  • Litigation and arbitration related to digital assets.
  • We guide digital assets and adjacent companies through the application of regulation and management of relationships with regulators.
  • Structuring and launch of cryptocurrency funds, including documentation, compliance requirements and negotiation.
  • Expert witness services and testimony for litigation, arbitration, and alternative dispute resolution in matters related to digital assets.
  • Acting as outside counsel for digital assets companies on a wide variety of matters.
  • Representation in Federal investigations and regulatory actions related to digital assets and cryptocurrency.